Christian Lillington actively seeks opportunities to use his experience in his military and post-military life to improve the way we view mental health injuries in veterans, first responders, and all who are exposed to traumatic events in their work and life.
Christian has spoken at Parliament, been featured in the Toronto Star, and is open to any and all opportunities to continue to educate and inform the leaders of tomorrow.
The Ninth Annual Sam Sharpe Breakfast took place on Tuesday, May 3, 2022. This annual event on Parliament Hill brings together parliamentarians from all parties, members of the Canadian Armed Forces, Veterans, mental health advocates, and members of the press gallery during Mental Health Week to hear from a guest speaker and continue the conversation on mental injuries from service and mental wellness more broadly from the viewpoint of Veterans and their families. Video credit: Erin O'Toole.
Join Sammy and her co host Christian. Christian is the author of "Parade State Zero" The book that was featured on title Review Tuesday. February, 2022.
The Trauma Recovery Podcast for #Military, #Veterans, #First Responders, and their families. #PTSD Recovery is a tough road, and it can not be travelled alone. April, 2022.
This week I’m speaking with author and retired military man, Christian Lillington, about his new book Parade State Zero: Leaving Military Leadership to Survive. Christian describes his 26 years in the military, being deployed three separate occasions, civilian life and coming to terms with his suffering of PTSD. May, 2022.
As part of Mental Health Week 2022, MP Erin O’Toole speaks with LCol. (Ret’d) Christian Lillington, a Canadian Armed Forces officer with a distinguished record of service. Christian talks about what drew him to serve Canada and about the cumulative impact of trauma and challenges of an Operational Stress Injury. He told his story in “Parade State Zero: Leaving Military Leadership to Survive” and is dedicating his post-military career to peer support worker and advocacy for Veteran mental health. May, 2022.
This episode we chat with Christian Lillington. A Canadian Armed Forces Veteran, he shares his inspirational story of struggle and growth. Check out Christian’s book, Parade State Zero: Leaving Military Leadership to Survive. June, 2022.
Christian is available to attend events across Canada and beyond to speak to his experience, how our systems need to adapt to better manage mental health injuries to prevent prolonged medical leaves, early retirements and suicides.
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